Ramji Rao Speaking

Ramji Rao Speaking is a 1989 Indian Malayalam comedy film written and directed by the SiddiqueLal duo. It stars Saikumar, Mukesh, Innocent and Rekha in the lead roles. The film deals with social factors affecting Kerala including unemployment during the 1980s, and went on to become a cult classic.

The story revolves around three unemployed people the third is a middle age unsuccessful theater owner. The story opens with the arrival of Balakrishnan Saikumar in Cochin to dispute the denial of his company job which he was supposed to receive several years ago. Several candidates overtook his chance and the last one was Rani Rekha who pretends to be an influential figure in the town. Rani threatens Balakrishnan to continue to work despite his efforts to overthrow her. The company manager Sankaradi who knows her family situation poor and pathetic helps her to remain in the job. Balakrishnan determined to stay back in the town until he succeeds to get back his job back from Rani.During his stay Balakrishnan finds a temporary lodging in Urvasai Theater owned by Mannar Mathayi Innocent, with another tenant Gopalakrishnan Mukesh, both were unemployed and with insignificant earning. Initially Gopalakrishnan does not like the new tenant and tries to expel him from the house but all his efforts are in vain. Gopalakrishnan is tricky and cunning. He lies to his mother that he works in a large company based in Calcutta and is building a new house in Cochin. Balakrishnan finds out and misunderstands Gopalakrishnan as a fraud. But what shocks Balakrishnan most was the realization of Ranis family situation, which pours sympathy in his mind toward her and decided to sacrifice his job. That night Balakrishnan gets drunk and reveals the fraud play of Gopalakrishnan to Mannar Mathayi. Goplakrishnan confesses his play and justifies that projecting himself as rich and employed was the only way in front of him to comfort his mother. The truth melts the mind of both Balakrishnan and Mannar Mathayi and they all became friends and decided to enjoy the night despite their unending problems. ........

Source: Wikipedia